Port Au Prince, Haiti

Port Au Prince, Haiti

Monday, August 4, 2014

I Saw It With My Own Eyes

Today was amazing...

We started this morning with a group meeting at New Life Children's Home.  There are six of us from Texas and sixteen from Illinois.  We also have seven translators working with us.

We will be going to the village of Bigarade Tuesday through Friday to play with the children in the morning and then we will visit families in their homes in the afternoon.  Bob wants us to teach the children some American games, like kickball and whiffle ball.  So the first thing we had to do was teach the translators the games so they could help us explain them to the children.

Paw was the catcher during our game of whiffle ball.  He also helped to teach our translator, Dani, how to swing the bat. :)

Then this afternoon we got into the back of a truck and went to the village of Bigarade. I know that you have seen a lot of pictures of the school there.  Today I got to see it with my own eyes!

When we drove up, Bob said, "Alison, Well here it is!"  And emotion just overtook me.  Your Nanna, Mrs. Billie and I cried. 

Then we went inside and I touched the chalkboard, I sat in the desks, I shook the Pastor Esaphat's hand, and I received hugs from some smiling Haitian children.  It was such a blessing!

At first my thoughts were, "Mackenzie did this!"  But quickly I remembered that "God did this!"  Through His providence He touched your heart, He blessed your efforts, and He moved lots of people to join you.  And today I saw His Work with my own eyes.

To God be the Glory!

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